Chapter 1, Business Writing Style:
Offers guidelines to different language aspects of business English, advising
the writer to be directed by the purpose of the document, the relationship to
the reader, and the content that satisfies the purpose and the reader.
Chapter 2, Business Memos:
Examines the various parts of the business memo and its basic structure,
offering a wide range of templates for the most common types of memos.
Chapter 3, Business E-mails:
Considers the various parts of the e-mail, giving “rules” on what to do, what
not to do, and shows the writer how to make use of Microsoft facilities.
Chapter 4, Common writing Errors:
Advises vigilance for common errors seen in the writing habits of others,
showing how these can be detected and treated.
Chapter 5, Useful Business Phrases:
Scrutinizes the document function (i.e. the purpose of the report, memo,
e-mail etc.), presenting several outlines for opening, developing and closing
the document. Furthermore, many samples for addressing the reasons for
communication are provided.
Chapter 6, Avoiding Confusing Words:
Addresses the vocabulary frequently used in everyday writing tasks, highlighting
those most commonly misused, and giving contextual examples to help the
writer appreciate the differences.
Chapter 7, Personal Business Documents:
Offers a variety of samples for a range of typical business purposes, providing
the business writer with practical business solutions